Yes, that is what I said, especially when the messenger can't "Get It Right".
A Bad day in El Paso/Lower New Mexico is better than a Good day here.
FINALLY someone is trying to step up and get a farmers market set in and advertise it Here in Central Texas, And they BLOW IT by BLAMING the Producer for their (the market coordinator) lack of knowledge of How to go about setting up a market.
WHO in the hell tries to set up an open air farmers market in the LATE fall (first weekend of December), without FIRST contacting potential producers in ADVANCE, by this I mean MONTHS advance??????
WHY does this even matter? Because we farmers can't just pull plants and products out of our ass's (land) at a moments notice. We have to have Growing Time to Produce products.
Yes, we were contacted a couple of weeks ago about attending a new farmers market. Our hot house items are not ready yet, all of our ground plants have either already quit producing or didn't make with the conditions we have been in. Had we known in ADVANCE, say back in September, that this market was going to start taking place, we could have set things IN to be Ready for now- as with all the Other Producers in the area, in the same boat. Now this coordinator wants to cry over Not having people to fill market spaces with.
Well, with the government "regulations" the way they are now, you are no longer allowed to bring in "homemade" items without having a "certified kitchen"/ legal mumbo jumbo for having to shell out many dollars to get licensing to produce home cooked things from your house. So, What are we suppose to bring to this last minute market? If you don't already have a "legal" kitchen to cook in then it takes TIME And Money to set in place. If you don't have plants ready with vegetables on them, well- ya know what?- You can't "rush" them either. You already get THAT product at the store. There are only So Many people who are going to come buy eggs.
Markets are GOOD. Yes. Producers are CRITICAL. Yes. Consumers are the REASON. Yes. But, so is GOOD, REASONABLE PREPARATION.
In other words- "Get Your Ducks In Order" before asking me to Bring Mine!!!