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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

When Love is Not Enough

In this day in age when people go on about being disillusioned with thier lives and jobs and not happy doing what they are doing it is easy to get caught up in the "fantasy" of quit and do what you love and enjoy! You may not make the $'s you are used to  but you will be Happy!

What a Load of Pollyanna Crap.

I AM doing what I love, Dearly Love- yet I am not making Any headway and right now I am Not even Happy.

Yep, I know, just ride it out- it is all you can do; except when you can't afford to ride it out.
I am talking to SOOO many people who are Trying,( just as we are, to make a differnce in our Own lives much less trying to help produce and provide for others who want to be "green and healthy"), that are on the verge of not only losing all they have but on the mere edge of mental Breakdowns. The whole time I am thinking in all of this that what we are trying to keep and preserve is the only thing that will matter in Not the Future but NOW. Not being able to go to the grocery store because of not only price but fear of becoming ill or worse yet Dying from what you eat because of contamination.

The fear and realization of not being able to hold on to what you have, not just the tangible things, but the "ideal" of you life is more than what some can bear.

I feel for those because I Am one of those.

PEOPLE out there who want to be mindful of where their food comes from and what they are eating don't just "thank" those who you buy from, or don't think you need to pay more or "donate" to them, but think Outstide of the box also. We are all in this box of economics together so instead of $ payments think about Barter. If you have any grain or access to some or hay offer it. If you have goods to trade such as you buy your milk from me and you have honey- offer honey in trade for milk. An so on and it doesn't have to be food items; you can offer serivces like you do electric work, see if who you buy from needs any work done or you have extra yarn, you get the picture. Yes, we Do need money to support the farm but we also need other things to so if you are in a position to do some trading don't be "afraid" to approach your farmer/dairyman and Ask/Offer.

To those who Have to sell- I am one of those having to sell out of some of my stuff right now, just to try and hold on to a few- try not to loose yourself. SH#(*$@#) Happens, more often than not. You ARE in a volitile business- you are at the mercy of mother nature at all times and she is a real bitch. But, keep in mind, that things can get worse and they can also get better; we just don't know the order or when. That is the BEST thing about farmers- our resounding ablity to ReBuild from nothing or mere nothing. That remarkable nagging voice telling us, it Will Be Better. That is Ok, Let it Nag!!! It keeps us going!!!