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Friday, December 20, 2013


I sometimes feel that someone should post a sign on Every corner just to let others know that in this country you are expected to check your common sense at the door.
As of late, there is more and more controversy over Free Speech.
I don't think there has been any real free speech in years. I myself was threatened with Jail when I issued a profanity in public in an angry conversation with someone, because someone else heard a word I said that they didn't like.
I write this as comments of "Phil" come out and people are Outraged! Well- Piss. It is His View and Belief according to the written Law of his religion; His supposed legal right to voice his belief. But that didn't Fit with what everyone else thought should be said.
So, let me see if I got this, you can say Anything Freely as long as it Conforms to what others agree with?
Yep, that about sums it up. YELL as loud as you want as long as it passes someone else's opinion!
There also seems to be this unbelievable amount of Entitlement of people as well. Take the priest (just one example of many different things out there)  who went against the church law of his particular belief, and preformed the marriage of his gay son. Bully for him I say, EXCEPT for the fact that the priest took an oath to uphold the law of his religion. When the point and time came that the priests' views became opposing to those of the religion he was in , he should have Removed himself from that particular religion instead of trying to force his personal views upon that establishment he had previously given his allegiance to.
You see, I don't think he or others should accept a set of rules, way of life..., and then say, ok now you are going to bend the rules because I THINK THIS....  That is Not right. You should leave and find what is best for you- not try to Change what is not fitting with what you want because all of the sudden your views have changed.
Views need to change about people being able to have their own personal thoughts, likes, dislikes, opinions. It is what makes us who we are and also makes us so confused about what and who we are supposed to be, by constantly trying to make ourselves agreeable with everyone else around. Difference MAKES GOOD NEIGHBORS as well as Common ground.
Til the next thing blows up- Rafannette "Kricket" Dooley
Between Two Worlds

I am torn between two worlds. Good and Evil, you may ask? No, not that simple. Wealth and poverty. That is my dilemma.
I am an artist (poetic right?), and I see the value of time and investment of supplies needed to produce my work.
One the one hand I feel that my work should be worth dollar wise on the Very High End because of the quality of materials used and the expertise of construction and time involved. Yet, the ones who look at and appreciate the true value of my work can't afford it, and the ones who can don't appreciate it or think I am even worth it because I myself am not on the high end of life.
If I used lesser quality items to make my work more affordable it wouldn't be worth my time in doing it. I can't abide an inferior product and feel pride in construction. Yet, its mere cost of materials puts my work out of reach to those in a lesser income.
Those who have more than I do, look at me like I am confused white trash. Me, I must be confused because I don't see myself as inferior to those with means, only challenged by income not pride adn ability or talent.
Yet I feel like a traitor that I cannot afford my work to others in my exact position.
How much of a hypocrite and I that I don't want to be a "lower class" citizen yet I feel my work should be enjoyed by the very people I don't think should be able to afford it (because I feel my work is worth so much). That only the fortunate and privileged should be worthy of my work.
Is this what they call and identity crisis? Or, is it true that I just really think I am more than what I am? If so, what is wrong with wanting the best? Is it the fact that I believe the best should be afforded by ALL/ Does that lessen the statement of Best then if anyone can have it?
It is after all historically known that the best is held by the wealthy and the worst by the poor. There is no intermix.
What I want is unachievable. Maybe this is where my dilemma stems from- The Unobtainable....