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Sunday, August 28, 2011

I Do This Why??

So, damned if I do or don't!

I might as well LOVE what I am doing otherwise it would just be sadistic to stay in this life of farm/dairy.

My husband says that farmers are the most optimistic people on the face of the earth -  they have to be or else there would be nothing But hospitilized depression patients who were former farmers.
We are also like a bunch of addicts -  you can never wait to get that next goat or buy that next seed!!

That brings me to today- I have decided to downsize my goat operation and help finance our move back out there -  so today I sold Five goats! Then ended up with Another goat that I brought back home.Are you starting to see the whole one step forward and two steps back thing??

 Well, thought it would be best to put her into the milking shed with my other girls I am milking just for her to settle in before I turn her out since she is only bred and not milking. Well, my girls decided that they were Not going to play nice and the next thing I know one of my milkers- Jupiter- is in front of the house. I go out to see what happened and the corner of the shed had been knocked out. I like to call my goats , instead of a herd or group, a Coven cause they are all a bunch of witches. Give her a couple of days and she will be teaming up with them against anyone new coming in. grrrrr goats.

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