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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Support Local Food Source and Your Health

Yep, that is the thanks a farmer/dairyman gets alright. We are a society conditioned so much to the cheapest and least that we can't even accept the explantion of the "why" of the price factor we just shoot the people down as trying to get as much as they can. And then justify the shooting because you just can't afford to pay that much for food.

Ok, so thanks America for sending everyone straight to hell in a handbasket. Thanks for shoving low quality foods at us at low cost and prescriptions to make up for the ill effects of those products in our lives.

We are Killing a tradition, life and source all at one Whack! The Local Farmer/Dairyman.

Growing food Is expensive. You do have to have the right "stuff" down in the ground to make things grow and thrive. It does take more than time and a little effort to get plants up and going and producing. It is expensive to take care of animals.
BUT - that is WHY the local farmer/dairyman is the place to go to First. Because we ARE the only caretakers of our products and it IS the (for Dooley Family Farm) The Only source of income we have. So you do really think, that local farmers/dairymen Want to spend ALL that TIME, MONEY, SWEAT and PAIN to give you an inferior product? No, and the price that it comes down to is Not to cover the time, sweat and pain- but to cover expense and upkeep and being able to make something to pay those bills so that we are able to Keep bringing you fresh, clean, healthy products.

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